Graduate Fellowships in Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Science

The Center for Quantitative and Theoretical Science is pleased to invite applications from Duke Graduate students for a unique interdisciplinary fellowship in Applied Mathematics or Theoretical Science. Up to three fellowships will be awarded for spring 2009.

The purpose of these fellowships is to support graduate students whose research interests bridge those of faculty advisors in two different disciplines. Applicants may request support for a short term (e.g. one semester) project for which traditional support is not available, or for a longer term (one year), for a more typical thesis-directed project.

The critical requirement for the fellowship is that the project establish a link between advisors in different academic departments, one or more of whom will provide mathematical or theoretical expertise and training. It is generally expected that one of the involved supervisors is in a department in Arts & Sciences. In addition to the application forms, each application requires a cv, a description of the student’s project or research program, and letters of commitment of intellectual support for the specific research program from two faculty members under whose guidance the research and/or training will be performed. No other fellowship, RA-ship or TA support may be held concurrent with this award.

Deadline for applications is November 30, 2008 with award announcements on December 15, 2008 for fellowship support to begin on January 1, 2009. Application forms may be obtained from Jennifer Foreman,, 371D Biological Sciences Building.